Our advantages

Infrastructure makes our modern way of life possible both at the office and at home, in town or in a village. Infrastructure projects mean ongoing updating, upgrading and adding infrastructure for the needs of each settlement, town and connections between them.

The projects of our experienced experts will see to it that addition or expansion of infrastructure into the existing infrastructure network will be adequately carried out. We are specialized in the field of roads, waterlines, sewage and power or telecommunication lines and in coordination between them.


Our experts solve the problems which arise in connection with:

  • obtaining data on existing installations (disorganised cadastre),
  • density of existing municipal installations,
  • crossings of municipal installations because of the required horizontal and vertical distances between individual lines,
  • various physical obstacles (roads, railways, watercourses, buildings…),
  • land configuration,
  • obtaining consents from land owners, and
  • terms and conditions of an administrative body and of owners of individual municipal installations.

From an idea to a final erection – we plan:

  • road infrastructure (motorways, regional and local roads, crossroads…),
  • platforms and landscape design,
  • energy infrastructure,
  • communal infrastructure,
  • base stations.

Reference projects


Let's start a project together and build trust.

Every cooperation begins with the first contact, so we invite you to send us a question or briefly present your project. We'll set up a meeting or send a non-binding offer.