The project focuses on the preparation of a manual for security risk management for the protection of critical motorway infrastructures in the European motorway network. It is meant for administrative services in the EU countries, infrastructure owners and operators, security officers, legislative authorities, etc. The manual allows identification, evaluation and assessment of security risks for the operational capability of the infrastructure, and determination of relevant protective measures.
The basis for the approach is risk management for infrastructure protection against terrorism and other forms of intentionally caused incidents by reducing risks and mitigating consequences of a potential attack.
The project is prepared in the consortium of companies: ILF – Consulting Engineers (Austria), BASt – Federal Highway Research Institute (Germany), DARS – Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia and Elea iC (Slovenia).
The company Elea iC prepared a process for the selection of measures and defined and described the measures for the reduction in the assessed risk. The process for the selection of measures can be used unambiguously for a variety of facilities in the network with the same method and definitions. On the other hand, the method is open and allows the user to simply add, remove and change measures based on user’s specific needs.
Once the project was completed, we received a positive feedback from potential users (in particular German infrastructure operators). The manual and the software are available at:
Project typeDecision support relating to measures for the protection of road infrastructureYear(s)2011-2013InvestorDG General Home Affairs under the Prevention, Preparedness and Con-sequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Program (CIPS)
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